My rings no longer fit so I had to stop by Ross the other day to pick up a fake wedding ring. I thought about just going without, especially after my husband said no guy would hit on a pregnant lady, but then I decided to avoid those judgmental glances from those who assumed I was pregnant outside of wedlock. However, this task was not an easy one because the only rings they had were huge and full of bling! I suppose it's like every girls' dream to have a real diamond ring of that size so why not buy a fake one that somewhat looks real but costs a lot less? Right?
So, Wednesday, while standing in line to check-out at Sam's Club, this older gentleman kept looking me over and I could tell he was just checking out my status. Pregnant? Check. Married? Check. Rich? DOUBLE CHECK. The reason I say that last part is because the first thing he says to me is "Wow, I really like your ring!" I could have DIED! I wanted to scream "Do you really think we can afford something like that....EVER?" Instead I politely thanked him and explained that it wasn't real and my wedding bands no longer fit my fat fingers. He almost seemed relieved to know I wasn't this rich, stuck up, snob who just happened to be behind him in line flaunting my jewels. Instead, he went on to strike up a very lovely conversation about having a child for the first time and the joys it brings. He was genuinely interested in my life and, honestly, it meant so much to me. I realized that there really are good people in this world, even if it doesn't always seem that way. For the record, I think he would have been nice to me either way, but it was somewhat easier knowing I wasn't among the rich and the famous.
So, moving on. My hands are swollen like tomatoes. Nasty. Also, these feet are looking a little pudgy in my usual flip-flops. Why oh why do I need to start this business so early on in the pregnancy? I am sure it will only get worse! It is something that runs in the family. My mom swells, my grandma swells, I suppose that only means that I should swell too. All I know is that I hate it.
Does anyone have any remedies for swelling of this sort? My blood pressure is always really good so I don't really have concerns for preeclampsia but still, it stinks!
Well, that's my rant for the day! I hope you are enjoying your Friday! We have a Realtor coming to take pictures of the house today and I couldn't be more thrilled about it! Finally we can get a move on this whole house selling business! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers will ya? Take care!